Dear Cocktailfriends,

Are you living in Paris or visiting Paris? And having a hard time finding the perfect cocktail bar? You're not alone. Paris offers so many different bars and sometimes it's hard to choose and find the one suitable to you.

Therefore, I created this blog to help you out. I'll be posting regularly about my most favorite bars in Paris and ofcourse tell you why they're so amazing. Are you looking for something cheap but decent? Or you want to find a bar that's close to you so you don't have to travel for 40min (we all know the struggle)? Maybe you have been searching for this one specific cocktail you can never find?

Drop below all your questions and I'll be sure to answer them!

Stay tuned and Safe.

Your Cocktail Journalist,


PS: for more nice spots visit my Facebook page

Or Instagram page: cocktailbars_paris


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