Dear Cocktailfriends,
Because everyone of us is currently staying at home, we can't do our favorite spare time activity; searching for nice cocktail bars. Although this is a hard situation right now, we can still try to make the best out of it. It's Sunday and what better to do than to try something new?
We all miss the fresh cocktails on a terrace in the sun, but I will give you some quick tips on how to make a delicious cocktail all from your kitchen counter.
The first and easiest cocktail I always make when it's sunny outside.
The all-time classic "Gin Tonic".
This is probably one of the easiest cocktails ever, almost easier than just drinking the gin from the bottle.
How do you make it at home?
- Find some Gin (pretty important ingredient)
- Schweppes Tonic or any other Tonic you may find (I used the new edition Schweppes Tonic Pink with berries)
- Ice cubes
- If you use a pink tonic, put a couple of strawberries or raspberries in your drink! If you use normal tonic, use some cucumber to make it fresh.
Then put a lot of ice cubes in your glass, I like a full glass that makes it extra cold when it's hot outside.
Then put 2/3 (90-150 ml) of Tonic in your glass and finish your drink with raspberries or cucumber.

How do you make it at home?
- Find some Gin (50 ml)
- 1 lemon (25ml of lemon juice)
- A little bit of sugar sirop or just sugar (1 tablespoon)
- Sparkling water
- Ice cubes
Put the Gin, lemon juice and sugar sirop in one longdrinkglass. Fill 3/4 with ice cubes and fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water. Stir and finish the glass with a little piece of lemon to make it look pretty.
If your are not used to making your cocktails all alone then the following cocktails can cause a little bit of difficulties in the beginning.
Mojito is a very delicious cocktail but not that easy to get all the ingredients in the right measures.
How do you make it at home?

- 1 teaspoon of sugar or sugar sirop
- Juice of 1 lime
- 50 ml of white rum
- Icecubes
- Sparkling water
Put the mint, sugar and lime in the glass and mash it untill the sugar is solved and the oil of the mint is released (you will smell it). Fill your glass with icecubes and then put the rum in (50ml). Fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water. Stir the glass and finish with a part of lime on or in the glass.
Try these three at home and you can start your own little cocktail bar right from on your couch.
Enjoy it and stay safe!!
Your Cocktail Journalist,
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